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I started a Blog shortly after graduating Phi Theta Kappa and High Honors from MATC - with an Associate's Degree in Arts & Humanities. At the time my future goals included getting the hell out of the good old US of A before the shit hit the fan. Looking back 3 yrs later from deep down in the dog eatin part of México I have no regrets. Ive been thrown off bulls, almost devoured by crocodiles, survived earthquakes, landslides, wildfires, narcotraficantes, scorpion stings, dengai fever and much muuuuch more... and I have NO REGRETS whatsoever. I will attempt to explain porque ;)

Blog Archive

Monday, June 04, 2007

Sad song

Gabcast! Gabcast! Listen Up #1

Hoy Dia Luna, Dia pena
How me levanto sin razon
hoy me levanto y no quiero
hoy dia luna, dia pena

Arriba la luna ooooeeeaaaa
Arriba la luna ooooeeeaaaa

Hoy dia luna, dia pena
hoy me levanto sin razon
hoy me levanto y no llego
a ninguna destinacion

Arriba la luna ooeeaa
Arriba la luna ooeeaa

Hoy dia luna, dia pena
Hoy me levanto sin razon
Hoy me levanto y no quiero
hoy dia luna, dia muero

Arriba la luna ooeeaa
Arriba la luna ooeeaa
Arriba la luna ooeeaa
--Manuo Chao

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